Dosh is unique in providing advocacy specifically around money, but many people don’t fully understand what a ‘Financial Advocate’ is or what we do day to day.
Advocacy in all its forms seeks to ensure that people, particularly those who are most vulnerable in society, are able to:
Advocacy is the process of supporting and enabling people to:
At Dosh we focus our advocacy particularly around money, which is an area where people with a learning disability have in the past been given very little independence or control. We think that being able to use your money in the way you want is a key step to having control over the rest of your life.
A really important part of a financial advocates role is getting to know the people they support and listening to what they want. They do this by meeting regularly and taking the time when they meet to find out what is important to the people they support. Our financial advocates really enjoy getting to know a new person, learning how they like to communicate and becoming part of the team making sure they have a good life.
For some people, having someone outside of their family and day-to-day support team who is there just for them can be really empowering. Others might not be able to communicate or take part in every aspect of a decision, but their Dosh advocate can make sure that everyone who is important to them is involved in making big decisions so that we get the best possible option.
Dosh financial advocates know a huge amount about the benefits system, as well as other areas around personal finances such as money saving schemes and grants. Finances are an area where people can become nervous, wanting to safeguard and protect someone rather than give them real independence. At Dosh we help people build skills around finances, including budgeting, so that they can have more control over their money.
Some of the people we support find it very difficult to connect their short-term spending with long-term consequences, such as not paying their bills. We want to give people independence, but also make sure they are not at risk, so for these people we can transfer a small amount of money every day to their personal account.
This helps someone feel independent and can help them learn budgeting skills whilst still being sure that their rent will be paid and their savings will be kept safe.
Having a Financial Advocate gives people the opportunity and the space to think about the things they want and plan for the future.
Dosh financial advocates are not just administrators managing someone’s benefits, they are a part of their circle of support and want to help them to live a good life. Together with their family, support team and others who are important to them, Dosh can work to identify and reach their goals.